In this blog I would like to show what is the easiest way in java to create a set of folders.
I took for this example the folder structure of images and created the icon folders for them (lazy as I am :-) )
The problem
The structure of my images folders would be:
In the past I would loop through the forrest of folder to find these four. There is a much easier way and copy them with other names:
The solution
FilenameFilter imageFilter = new ImageFilter();
File[] imagesFolders = new File("images",.listFiles(imageFilter); is a standard java interface that helps you to identify the folders you looking for. Create a class yourself that implements this Interface. The class would look something like this:
public class ImageFilter implements FilenameFilter {
private static final String FOLDER_PRE_FIX="image";
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
boolean fileImage=false;
return fileImage;
In this example I just used a simple 2 layered folder structure. You can imagine that in a more complex structure this way realy is helpfull.
After running this loop you automated the creation of the icon folders with minimized lines of code :
private static final String ICONS = "icons";
private static final String IMAGES = "images";
Looping through the results the following way:
for (File file : imagesFolders) {
//Just to be sure nothing slips through.
String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath().replace(IMAGES, ICONS);
File iconsFolder = new File(filePath);
have fun!
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